With Spatial auto-correlation, the value of one variable is in part a function of another variable. For example, if we know the value of "California" we can predict something of the value of Arizona. With Spatial auto-correlation, moreover, the problem is not just in determining how much one is influencing the other, but upon whom the influence is occurring. As we see in the results below, the pattern of correlation changes depending on what our definition of 'nearness' is. In the lagged plots is also evidence that not only is the existence of a relationship changed but the nature of that relation, as observations change quadrants based on how we measure what is a neighbor.
#R code#
#load packages
#load shape file
afghan <- readShapePoly("afghan.shp",proj4string=CRS("+proj=longlat"))
#put centroids into a file and make it a data frame;
centers = coordinates(afghan)
centers = data.frame(centers)
afghan.centers = coordinates(afghan)
#determine the k nearest neighbors for each point in afghan.centers;
knn1 = knearneigh(afghan.centers,k,longlat=T)
#create a neighbors list from the knn1 object;
afghan.knn1 = knn2nb(knn1)
##K=2 nearest neighbor
knn2 = knearneigh(afghan.centers,2,longlat=T)
#create a neighbors list from the knn2 object;
afghan.knn2 = knn2nb(knn2)
#create a distance based neighbors object (afghan.dist.250) with a 250km threshold;
d = 250
afghan.dist.250 = dnearneigh(afghan.centers,0,d,longlat=T)
##########Playing with options: experiment with nbdist,
###########minimum distance to include all center points+100km
dsts<-unlist(nbdists(afghan.dist.250, afghan.centers))
##finds minimum sll included as neighbors distance
max_dsts<-max(dsts)## finds the max value of the minumum distances
afghan.dist.dsts = dnearneigh(afghan.centers,0,100*max_dsts, longlat=T)
##creates distance based neighbor list
#####################Moran plots of spatial lags
par(mfrow = c(2, 2))##create 2x2 window for the 4 plots
mp1<-moran.plot(afghan$foodinsecu,nb2listw(afghan.dist.250),labels=afghan$PRV_NAME, ylab="Spatial Lag", xlab="Afgan Food Insecurity", main="Nearest Neighbor 250km")
mp2<-moran.plot(afghan$foodinsecu,nb2listw(afghan.dist.dsts),labels=afghan$PRV_NAME, ylab="Spatial Lag", xlab="Afgan Food Insecurity", main="Nearest Neighbor 100km", sub="*minimum distance include all center points+100km", cex.sub=.8, cex.lab=.8)
mp3<-moran.plot(afghan$foodinsecu,nb2listw(afghan.knn1),labels=afghan$PRV_NAME, ylab="Spatial Lag", xlab="Afgan Food Insecurity", main="K=1 Nearest Neighbor")
mp4<-moran.plot(afghan$foodinsecu,nb2listw(afghan.knn2),labels=afghan$PRV_NAME, ylab="Spatial Lag", xlab="Afgan Food Insecurity", main="K=2 Nearest Neighbor")
########## moran's I test of autocorr
mt1<-moran.test(afghan$foodinsecu,nb2listw(afghan.dist.250, style="W"))
mt2<-moran.test(afghan$foodinsecu,nb2listw(afghan.dist.dsts, style="W"))
mt3<-moran.test(afghan$foodinsecu,nb2listw(afghan.knn1, style="W"))
mt4<-moran.test(afghan$foodinsecu,nb2listw(afghan.knn2, style="W"))
####################This is just me being fancy pants and having
###################R make the output into a nice latex table
res1 <- matrix("", ncol=5, nrow=4)
rownames(res1) <- c("Dist=250", "Dist=100+min", "K=1", "K=2")
colnames(res1) <- c("$I$", "$E(I)$", "$var(I)$", "st. deviate", "$p$-value")
res1[1, 1:3] <- format(mt1$estimate, digits=3)
res1[1, 4] <- format(mt1$statistic, digits=3)
res1[1, 5] <- format.pval(mt1$p.value, digits=2, eps=1e-8)
res1[2, 1:3] <- format(mt2$estimate, digits=3)
res1[2, 4] <- format(mt2$statistic, digits=3)
res1[2, 5] <- format.pval(mt2$p.value, digits=2, eps=1e-8)
res1[3, 1:3] <- format(mt3$estimate, digits=3)
res1[3, 4] <- format(mt3$statistic, digits=3)
res1[3, 5] <- format.pval(mt3$p.value, digits=2, eps=1e-8)
res1[4, 1:3] <- format(mt4$estimate, digits=3)
res1[4, 4] <- format(mt4$statistic, digits=3)
res1[4, 5] <- format.pval(mt4$p.value, digits=2, eps=1e-8)
print(xtable(res1, align=c("c", rep("r", 5))), floating=TRUE,
sanitize.text.function = function(SANITIZE) SANITIZE)
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